Since it has been one of those weeks, I'm writing one of those posts. One of those posts that covers much miscellany but a post just the same.
Over the last couple of weeks we've been all over the place. Some of that includes a trip for Addie to receive more immunizations - five, to be exact. I really contemplated breaking the shots up into more than one trip. Five seemed to be so many for her little thighs all at once, but she soldiered on and took all of them like a champ. She even got a new book out of it, which seemed to make her forget about the pain that took place just a few minutes prior to the book being in her hand (although I'm sure those sharp needles really weren't far from her mind). Needless to say, there are no pictures of this event.
Last weekend Addie attended her first high school football game. It was actually a jamboree, where some of the schools in the area play one another; the "game" is made up of three halves. I wasn't sure we'd stay the whole time but we did, which allowed us to witness Wewa beating their rival, Port St. Joe. While it wasn't a "real" game, it was still headline news. Usually it is the other way around. Either way, Addie enjoyed herself while the bugs enjoyed her.
Shoes. It's all about shoes in our house these days. I'm convinced that at this rate Addie will be another Imelda Marcos. I must say, it is pretty endearing when she tries on our shoes or brings them to us, wherever we are in the house, chanting, "Shoes, shoes." Not so endearing is often finding my closet in chaos, but that's okay.
Last night we had an unofficial meat pulling party. Yes, meat pulling. We're selling to-go meals on Sunday to raise money for youth camp and we were working ahead last night by pulling meat off butts. Boston butts, that is. I was dreading it and although it smelled heavenly, it was pretty disgusting. We put out a plea for help and about an hour later we had a dedicated team of meat pullers show up. Addie even sat on Sabian's lap for a while as he pulled away but after a bit even she was over it. We sure know how to throw a party in Wewa!
This morning we had a special guest at breakfast.
We know how to do it, eh?
I think our "one of those weeks" is mostly due to Addie's incoming teeth. Still. I feel like I've mentioned her teeth in almost every last post but it's been the story of our lives for about the last month. Our nights have actually been pretty good with the exception of Addie's 5 a.m. wake up call the last two days. She seriously had four teeth for the longest time and when she turned one it was like her gums started yelling at her budding teeth to wake up. Well, they did, and in full force.
I'm hoping that is what explains the surge in whining we've been experiencing as well as the short bursts of contentment followed by longer stretches of "entertain me!" I'm not knocking the chances to cuddle with Addie, but you moms know, someone who is usually pretty amiable suddenly demanding your attention can be tiring.
I'm also hoping it's these budding teeth that are causing an increase in Addie's body temp. She has no fever, or sometimes a very slight fever, but she radiates heat. It's been pretty perplexing.
So, it's been one of those weeks when every night I say, "Tomorrow is another day," yet when I wake up the days are very closely related.
Yet, in the midst of it, I am thankful for the smiles and hugs and giggles that peek through the tears and tantrums.