Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sir Mix A Lot would be proud

When I put Addie to bed tonight, she smelled like meat.

Boston butt, to be exact.

We're up to our elbows in meat.

You wouldn't believe it by the looks and smells of our kitchen, but we're preparing for a fast this weekend. 

This is not the first time we've pulled pork and it won't be our last. Usually (and thankfully!) the meat is cooked for us and we're selling sandwiches with it for something to do with our youth group. This time, the butts (tee hee) have been donated to us, we cooked them at our house (two at the house, one was done for us), and they will be part of the meal that breaks our fast Saturday night.

By the way, pulling meat is disgusting. We're quickly making our way to perfecting the art of it, but I think I'd rather be good at doing other things. Ew.

We're hosting our annual 30 Hour Famine this weekend, starting a fast at noon Friday and ending at 6 on Saturday night. The point is to fast, pray and focus on our missionaries for those 30 hours. The kids will have some fun Friday night and then will participate in community service projects on Saturday before gathering for a service and a meal Saturday night.

This weekend will be the end of a busy week for us. We hosted a dinner Wednesday night in appreciation of the parents of our youth kids. This is something we've done since we moved here. In lieu of a normal Wednesday night youth service, the parents come to eat and the kids come to serve the parents. It's always a good time, can sometimes be a bit chaotic, but we end up meeting new parents and spending some time with ones we've come to know already. Sabian takes the time to greet the parents, let them know how much we appreciate them and last night he also took the time to talk to the parents about the importance of knowing what their kids are involved in online. It's a fun event but takes a lot of preparation and help (for which I am grateful!) and leaves us wiped. No time to be tired with the weekend ahead of us!

Back to Addie - after a much needed bath this evening after a day of playing outside for a long time in the dirt, (and inadvertently pouring a shovel full of dirt down my shirt, resulting in a second shower for me - it really was an accident on her part but I was none too happy - it almost seems comical now), she hovered while Sabian pulled pork, eating and playing, eating and playing. It never fails, any time we're doing this she is always near and always eats her weight in pork. She loves it. This resulted in my squeaky clean girl smelling like meat instead of Johnson and Johnson's. Sigh.

I guess a bubble beard makes it all better.
Today I am thankful for my bed. I'll be visiting it soon.

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