We made it to church and through the service, which I ducked out of right at the last minute so I could change her diaper. Diaper changed, we made it back in as everyone was leaving to go home to lunch and naps.
As I was holding Addie I felt something hard on her stomach. When I dressed her that morning I put a onesie on under her dress, as well as tights, so that she would be a little warmer since it has been colder than normal here. I was totally puzzled by what I felt and lifted her dress to see what it was.
Behold, the "I" from Addie's alphabet puzzle.

(Excuse my elementary PhotoShop skills. I'm workin' on it.)
Seems Addie had an idea to smuggle some stuff to church. She gave us a good laugh and a now, a fun memory.
I am thankful that this piece of the puzzle was found in her onesie and not in her tummy! I am also thankful for my silly girl.
hahahah that is too funny...maybe she was trying to tell you something...
this cracks me up...she must have been thinking of Ivory, hence the "I" ;-)
It was the "I" for ice cream! That's my girl!
Another thing that she and Carson have in common. How sweet!?!? They love to play hide and seek with random objects from home. Love it!
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