It's hard to believe, but it was two weeks ago tomorrow when we left to go to Orlando. Time is really flying. It was a short trip, just Thursday through Saturday, but it was good to get out of town and do some fun things. We went to the AG's General Council, which brought some friends from Illinois down south, so we were able to spend some good time with them. We were able to attend the services Thursday and Friday night and then Saturday we did a little shopping. I wasn't leaving Orlando before I got to pay a visit to IKEA.
Addie seemed to enjoy her adventures on the trip, which, at least this time, did not include a trip to Disney World. We'll make that investment when she's actually old enough to remember it! Hopefully that will be when we can take advantage of the Florida resident discount and the manageable drive from here to there.
Despite skirting Mickey Mouse land, Addie did get to go swimming in a big pool for the first time and she loved it. She didn't make much noise, and she barely tore her eyes away from the water, but we could tell she was really enjoying herself. And, as I am sure every kid does this when they hit the water, but she sure was kicking her legs like she knew what she was doing. Can't wait to get her back in the pool.
PS - How appropriate is it that our long-legged girl has giraffes on her swimsuit?!
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