Everyone is busy, but do you ever have those stretches of time when the days run together and it is everything you can do to remember to eat a meal? I remember once, when I was still living at home with my parents, I walked out the door, got in my car, and realized I had forgotten my shoes. But, that's another story.
Life in Wewa does get busy, and busy it has been. These last couple of weeks have been filled with miscellaneous activities and even if Addie and I haven't been directly involved in said activities, it's been enough to keep up with Sabian's schedule and to make sure he has what he needs to do what he needs to do. Who says being a stay at home mom means you simply stay at home? Trust me, there's no couch sitting, bon bon eating going on here! At least, not lately...
In the midst of it all last week Addie and I were fortunate enough to accompany my friend Libby to Marianna, where we stayed the night with her mom and attended her sister's Pampered Chef party. We also spent some time running around with her sister-in-law and her three kids, who were great at entertaining Addie. One of our stops took us to a thrift store, where we found two pairs of size 18 shoes.

Addie may end up being a tall girl, but I can pretty much guarantee she'll never wear these. She wasn't too impressed by them. She did get some attention from an older gentleman who sat down on the glass top table next to us and talked to her. That is, until the top of the table broke. Oops.
Among other things, today we tagged along with some of the "Golden Ager" ladies from church and headed to Graceville to do some shopping. Sabian drove the bus, leaving bright and early. Addie was quite the trooper to and from Graceville and while we were shopping. Here she is riding along, hanging out, listening to the ladies.

There's not much time to breathe before we leave for Orlando on Thursday but at least it makes the time go by fast as we are looking forward to spending a couple of days away. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a photo of Addie and her latest favorite snack - her toes!

I am thankful for a sweet little girl. She really is a lot of fun these days.
PS - I just realized in all of these pictures she is in her car seat. I promise we do let her out.