We've spent the sweltering days of the last week simultaneously resting and keeping busy. Is that possible? It's been a slower kind of busy, more moving at our own pace type of busy. Some time spent at home, some time spent out and about.
In the midst of the busyness we've dealt with (sigh) some more sickness. Rewind to this post in June when Addie had yet another ear infection. About three weeks after that appointment we had a follow up with the doctor. I don't normally schedule follow ups but the doctor was wanting to see her again to see if, when prescribed antibiotics, Addie's ear infections were actually getting better. If not, then we'd start to explore other options for taking care of her ears. It was a good thing we had the follow up scheduled.
The night before her appointment Addie and I visited Sabian and the kids at youth camp. During the service Addie started acting a little strange and I realized she was burning up. We had the camp nurse take a look at her and her temp at the time was 103-104. When we went to the doctor the next day her ears looked great (was so thankful!) but the doctor told us it looked like Addie's fever was due to parvovirus, a common viral infection kids can get. Since she had a slight rash as well we knew she was no longer contagious and we were sent home to treat and watch her fever. The next couple of days were fine and she was back to her old self.
Fast forward to this week. After a full week last week of VBS, Sunday I realized that Addie was feeling a bit warm again. She was running a slight fever but acting totally normal, so I figured I would keep an eye on it the next couple of days. For a couple of days her temp was slightly raised but she continued to act normal - until Wednesday. That morning she woke up really early and was really hot. She was very subdued and spent the morning on the couch, something she has never done. I got us an appointment with the doctor that afternoon and in my mind, thought this was just a continuation of what we'd experienced a couple of weeks before.
Long story short, the doctor wanted to get some lab work done quickly so we'd know what was going on with Addie, so she sent us to the hospital for blood work. Addie was a brave little girl when they drew blood, crying, but not for long. I will say, I think it helped that the doctor told us to request going to the pediatric floor to her her blood drawn. The nurses up there were wonderful. After we got home that evening she perked up and by morning was back to her old self. We heard from the doctor last night and all of her test results have come back normal, which means whatever was causing her fever was likely viral.
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The one time she moved to eat some yogurt, which she didn't touch. |
This was all good news as some of our plans this week included seeing some of our close friends from home. In that group of friends there are Kevin and Judy, parents of Jay, Jeff and Joel. Jay and Jeff are married and between them have kids ages 7, 4, 2, 1 and 9 months. Since Addie was feeling better and had no fever we were safe to visit them a couple of nights ago and really enjoyed our time with them. The McCulloughs are friends I have known for as long as I can remember. Now that we all have kids the catching up consists more of snatches of conversation in between refereeing, but we had a great time. Sabian was sweet to entertain a few of the kids for a bit so that we could actually sit and talk and we had some more time to focus more on conversation when the kids (sans Addie!) went to bed.
Alexis (pictured above) and Addie are two peas in a pod. Her mom, Joy, and I always compare stories and joke when we talk long distance about how much it sounds like these two are alike. They've only really been with one another once before this week, but both are two fisted pacifier aficionados, each girl sports a head full of blonde curls and both are busy. They are climbers, runners, yellers and into everything. When together, this likeness works both for and against them. But, either way, it was fun to have all of our kids (six) together.
It was sad to leave but we'll be headed out that direction again this week to see my sister, brother-in-law, niece and two nephews!
There's more to our adventures of the past week but soon we are leaving to attend a goodbye party for one of our college students heading to his freshman year in the next couple of weeks. Sad to see him go but excited for his opportunity.
I am thankful that Addie is well and I am thankful for our visit with friends this week.
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