Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Shortly after I started this blog we had our first Thanksgiving in Wewa. I was pregnant with Addie and it was the first time we prepared a Thanksgiving meal as a couple. I think Sabian and I both felt somewhat accomplished - even though it was just the two of us we'd managed to cook a turkey and most of the fixin's. Since then, even if we've been invited to Thanksgiving dinner somewhere else, we still make room for making our own meal at some point. Part of the reason is because we like doing it and another reason is, well, leftovers.

Last night we started our Thanksgiving extravaganza. We've been invited to join a family from church this afternoon so we made last night our Chaney Thanksgiving. We invited a friend from church and his two daughters and we feasted and then worked it off with a little Wii.

 We forgot to take the obligatory photo of the turkey before it was carved, but trust me when I say Sabian did a great job. We have plenty of leftovers to make us feel like we've had enough Thanksgiving and we had a good time with Timbo, Brooke and Caroline. Addie especially liked having the company! I might need to hire Caroline to just chase Addie around from time to time...

I have a lot to be thankful for. I say it every year, but it is hard to be away from family. I've even let myself get a little down about it from time to time these last couple of weeks. But, I am thankful that we will get to see everyone next month. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the day and hopefully laid back weekend with Sabian and Addie. Given our warm temps, we may even give some thanks on the beach. ;)

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Becky said...

dear mong e long....its day this like i'm thankful for the internet!!! hahaha!! but seriously, I'm extremely thankful for you and our for our friendship, and since God saw fit to share you with those in the wewa area I'm thankful for the internet and that I can read about your turkey day even if you are 5 states away!! Love you lots!!! Cant wait to see you!!!! Miss you bunches!