We've been enjoying a laid back few days, eating, eating some more, sleeping (some), and just taking it easy. It has been nice. Wednesday morning I took a little time for myself, having been confined to the house for three days. When I got back we started cooking.
A turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, a few rolls, and an apple crumb pie later and we were ready to dig in. After we ate we introduced Addie to the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special, although she was more interested in the DVD case than the show itself.
We walked to our next Thanksgiving dinner, which was probably a good thing since the spread there was pretty big. We enjoyed good food and great company and then walked home in the warm afternoon sunshine. We were able to iChat with my family later on and then watched a movie while Addie snoozed.
Now that we've given Thanksgiving the attention it deserves, it is on to Christmas. We put up our tree today (pictures to come later) and while Addie was awake to see us put it all together, shortly afterwards she took a dip in the bathtub and is now sleeping, so it will be interesting to see how she reacts, i.e., what she puts in her mouth, to the tree tomorrow.
I am thankful for my family, near and far. As much as I would have liked to have been with them this Thankgiving, I am thankful for the day we had and the generosity of others.
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