A couple of weeks ago Addie and I made our way to the Midwest. Over two days we battled fussiness, tears (from both of us), rain, constipation (Addie), and traversed five states to make it to my mom's BUT we DID make it. Both in one piece and with smiles on our faces. I'm not exactly sure that I completely thought through the idea of taking a 12 hour road trip with a six month old, but before I knew it we were in the car and on our way, just the two of us, and it was totally worth it.
I decided to make the trip in two days, staying overnight about halfway through the trip. We drove about six hours each day, and I think six was just enough before either Addie and I couldn't take any more. I'm used to making the drive all at once, but for her sake I knew that would be too much and it really was the best decision. Plus, the "all at once" drive is usually with two of us - an extra pair of hands in this case is invaluable.
After stopping three times before we made it halfway through the first day (that would be only three hours at that point) I seriously considered turning around and heading back to Florida. I mean, what was I thinking? I'd already left the baby wipes in Alabama, treated Addie to a spoonful of peaches to the eye, and stopped at a Wal-mart to buy prunes for Addie's, er, condition. Did I mention that I left said prunes in the bag at the self-checkout? Luckily I realized my mistake before we'd made it to the car. Needless to say, I was feeling a little in over my head. After a good cry and some encouragement over the phone, we barreled along and the rest of the day was much, much better.
Addie was pretty happy when we arrived at the hotel that night. She spent much of her time rolling around on the bed, stretching her road-weary limbs. Once she was all wiggled out, we tried out some of those prunes and went to bed.
We spent most of our time hanging out with mom, running around, doing some shopping, and simply hanging out. That weekend we made it to Strange Folk with my sister, Lesley, sister-in-law, Misty, niece, Eden, and friend, Leah Beth. The weather was amazing and we had a lot of fun strolling around, taking a look at all of the awesome things people can make. I made a couple of purchases and we had some lunch before the rains rolled in. Addie and Eden had a chance to hang out and by the time we left, Addie was ending her Strange Folk experience with a nap. I'm pretty sure she wants to go back next year.
We spent some time with the rest of my family and Addie became acquainted with Bull Taco, my niece, Bryn's, guinea pig.
We came back to hot Florida weather, hotter than normal for this time of year (lucky us!) and a clean house. Not only was the house clean, dishes done, and laundry fresh, but these were on the table as well:
I am thankful for a husband who understands my need for home and does not object when I simply say, "I need to go home." I am also thankful for a baby who tolerated the trip to and from Illinois so awesomely well.
very glad you got to go back and visit. i am looking forward to "going home" in a few (more like 6) weeks.
addie is as cute as ever...prunes and all.
Enjoyed the reading, its about the only extra reading I get these days. Thanks. And it was so good to see you too.:)
I too am thankful for your husband who is ok with you bringing you and your baby home for a few days. But next time I would like it if you could bring that husband of yours along, he is a pretty cool guy. Maybe we could get him to sing total eclipse of the heart too!!! It was such a sweet surprise to see you pulling into the parking lot at church. I know the look on my face was priceless, haha. Cant wait to see you again soon!!! Love you bunches!
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