Friday we met up with some friends, Todd and Angela and their son Brett, who were in the area for a few days. We know them from Illinois but we've all since moved from the Land of Lincoln. We had lunch, popped into Carter's for our kiddos and then walked them back to their car. Addie and Brett had fun running around - rather, Brett chasing Addie as she ran every which way - but she did slow down long enough for Brett to hold her hand a bit. This photo was taken just as she was tiring of being tied down.
And this one was taken when she was just plain ol' tired.
Saturday morning we got up and took off for a couple of hours at the beach. We wanted to get there early enough to avoid any potential Labor Day weekend crowds and it is always a good idea to go either before or after nap time so we chose before. Plus, Sabian was committed to setting up a television later that afternoon for a couple from church. Have I mentioned before that he is the unofficial Glad Tidings Geek Squad?
Sunday was Sunday. Addie was a little on the whiny side, which I attribute to a stuffy nose and the aforementioned ear infection. We ducked out of a youth outing after church Sunday night to again head home and get her fed, medicine'd and into bed.
Today we'd planned to do some work around the house. Work that needed to be done but that was a bit dreaded as well. As a result, both vehicles are crumb free, all tires are pumped up, the pool is clean and filled with fresh water and the house is clean. And, thanks to Mr. Miller, our lawn looks great. We rewarded ourselves with dinner out with some friends and a view of the sunset from the pier in Port St. Joe.
Oh, and Addie helped clean, too.
So, there we are. I am thankful for a relaxing and productive weekend and I am very thankful that Addie's stuffy nose seems to have disappeared almost as quickly as it came.
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