I need help!
We have visitors arriving tomorrow for a few days and then a trip with our youth group next week for a conference and Addie woke up this morning with the beginning signs of a cold (I'm feeling it, too).
What can I do to prevent it from becoming full blown? Is there anything I can do? Timing is everything, isn't it? Right now her spirits are still high but the sneezing is in place and a little runny nose is making an appearance.
Ideas, thoughts?
Vitamin C!!!! : )
For you...
- zicam
- ecchinacea
- vitamin c
- green tea with honey
- hot liquids (kills bacteria in the throat)
- neti pot (I know it seems gross--but works so well!)
- saline spray
- gargle salt water (kills bacteria in the throat)
- no sugar
- lemon juice in water (cleansing properties)
- saline spray
- no sugar (I've heard that 1 tsp of sugar shuts down the immune system for an hr. Might not be right on, but it def slows the healing process & weakens the immune system)
I really don't know a lot of what's safe for baby. These are just mostly thing my mom always had us do and I've found they work super well. The no sugar thing is probably the most effective thing I've done when getting sick...but also what I struggle the most to do. Saying a prayer that ya'll are feeling better super soon!
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