Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hormone overload & 29 weeks photo

I would say that throughout this pregnancy I haven't been nearly as emotional as I was when I was pregnant with Addie. I think this past weekend I've made up for it.

We've had some whirlwind weekends these past couple of months. This last one was no exception. Friday we celebrated the wedding of Allison and Robbie, starting early in the afternoon setting up and finishing with tearing down later that evening. It was a beautiful, fun wedding, and while I also played the role of flower mom along with my sweet little (shy) flower girl, we had a great time.

Saturday we paid a visit to Wewa's Tupelo Honey Festival, spending time with the bunnies and the goats and we fit in a pony ride, some swinging and visiting with friends along the way. After a nap, Sabian and I stole away for an anniversary dinner. We celebrated six years on Sunday. Our night out was coupled with a few errands for church, as we were preparing for a graduation banquet the next night. The work of a pastor never ends...

Sunday morning Addie and I took a leave of absence from our morning service. Saturday was a rough day for her, which meant a rough day for mom and dad, and I couldn't quite put my finger on what was going on with her. It was evident when we returned home from our date that she just wasn't feeling well. This turned into a topsy turvy night watching Curious George until about 3 a.m., so I took us off the hook for Sunday morning. That afternoon we headed to church to decorate for the banquet and then home for naps and back to church for the banquet.

In comes Monday and we were wiped. It is now Wednesday and I still feel like I'm dragging. Some of it is the busyness of the weekend, some of it is my lack of discipline to get to bed earlier. I have almost nine weeks to go...certainly it's not too late to make that change!

So many things at once - tired, back pain, missing family, realizing it will be a while before we can get home, nine more waddling weeks, simply ready to meet this little girl and really ready to have a little more energy to take care of my family the way I feel like I haven't been able to for a while. 

Oh, and did I mention our cable and internet are out and that we can't get someone out to look at it until next week? Sigh.

I'm really looking forward to my doctor's appointment next week to get another look at this little girl. She's been pretty active and I'm super curious to see how she's positioned. I think this will give us a good clue as to whether or not she's performing the same breech acrobatics as her older sister.

Before I forget, here's my Mother's Day, 29 week photo:

I had Addie just a couple of months before I celebrated my first Mother's Day as a mom, so it was fun to have her in time for that special day. This year, it was special to be able to be pregnant on Mother's Day, and next year it will be sweet to celebrate with our two little girls.

As roller coaster-ish as I feel like life has been the last few months, and while at times the hard things I mentioned above are just simply hard, I recognize what a growing time this is for our family and how it is really special.

I am thankful for the easy and the hard. I really am.

Photos of this past weekend's events will be posted later since we're camera (and internet) hamstrung these days!

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