Before we left for Illinois early last month we spent an afternoon in the yard and once again Addie showed her penchant for choosing sticks and leaves.
Just this week we ventured out to swing for the first time in weeks. This lasted *surprisingly* just a few minutes before Addie let it be known that she wanted to explore rather than be strapped in to some silly swing. What?! Is this the same girl who wanted to swing forever?
Then, finally, we made it to the beach one afternoon. We lasted about an hour before we gave in to the wind whipping the sand around our legs, but for that hour Addie enjoyed playing in the sand (not eating it!) and watching the birds devour our stale crackers.
I also loooooove the smell of the wild onions in the air. That's one of my favorite signs of Spring.
I am thankful for a little girl who is teaching me that being cooped up inside is not a good thing. Fresh(ish) air, tweeting birds, and warm sunshine are good for the soul.
Happy Easter, everyone! Amidst the eggs and the ham and the other festivities, take time to remember the gift that we've been given, the reason we can rejoice each Easter and every day.
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