Friday, February 17, 2012

Life as we knew it...

...has already been turned upside down!

Before I announced my pregnancy I was a little cryptic in my Christmas post about plans having changed and not been quite what I'd anticipated. Those "plans" were of the Christmas variety - baking lots of cookies with Addie, making our gifts to hand out to friends in town and generally getting things done early. This was all fine and dandy until the N word showed up - nausea.

While I found a permanent home on the couch or in bed, Addie and Sabian were troopers. If Sabian wasn't home, Addie was pretty good about entertaining herself, or being entertained by PBS (gasp!). I can be thankful that I haven't been quite as sick this time around as I was with Addie, but it still hasn't exactly been pretty. I felt guilty many days as Addie and I simply made it through our days, but I knew that it was only temporary. I keep telling myself, "It's only temporary, it's only temporary." That and a lot of prayer and a wonderful husband and friends help tremendously!

I certainly am not wishing the time away - I want to enjoy this pregnancy and I am thankful that I am feeling better. Not always great, but better. Last week when I was hit with the congestion crud that has been floating around I thought I might lose it, but it passed...until it hit the other two in my family. Addie not so bad, Sabian had it about as bad as I did, but we are all on the mend.

I've missed blogging and hope to be around more as long as Mediacom can get our internet issues fixed. A boring story, but let's just hope it will be fixed this week.

I will leave you with some photos of our backyard s'mores fire and some photos Addie took on her own.

 I am thankful to be feeling better.

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