The title of this post says it all - that's how being a parent makes me feel. Even at almost six weeks, Addie has a power that no one else is my life has had. She tears at my heartstrings with her cries and her smiles alike. She is a pretty awesome kid and the reason why I haven't posted in so long.
Despite the learning curve and a few less hours of sleep, we're doing pretty well. She's not up too often, so I shouldn't complain and she's not a big crier, so I
really shouldn't complain. It is hard to believe that she has been here almost six weeks. The time really does fly. She is growing in leaps and bounds, a long little girl with big, bright eyes. Things on her favorites list? Lights and ceiling fans. She also gets a wondering look on her face when Sabian hands her off to me, as if to say, "Where's he going?" It is pretty endearing. Another thing on her favorites list - being held. She's a big fan of sleeping for hours at a time if you hold her. Putting her down to sleep? Not so much. But, even when I hear, "Don't start that habit! You'll spoil her!" It takes about a split second for me to remember that she's this small only once - a little holding never hurt anyone.
Other than the daily adventures of living with Addie, we had someone in our household roll over into a new decade. Since I've already had the pleasure of living in the 30s, this can only mean that Sabian had a birthday.

He spent his actual birthday on a youth retreat with our youth group, so our family celebration will take place this weekend, but we did enjoy cake the Wednesday before his birthday and when he came home on Saturday. Really, you can never have enough cake.
Sabian spending the weekend with the youth kids meant that Addie and I spent our first night without Daddy. We did pretty well, but I quickly realized that I don't "dig" the single parenting thing. We were happy to see him walk through that door, even if he did smell like sun, salt, and sunscreen.
Addie's first Easter also came upon us a couple of weeks ago. We watched as Dad played dual roles as disciple and angel in the Easter play at church and then headed home for a rest before going out to dinner.

Addie was pretty tuckered out after church and all of the photos.

I don't have too many Wewa happenings to report at the moment. The schools are winding down, about five more weeks to go, and we are looking forward to summer. Friends and family will be in the area throughout the summer and we are hoping to visit home for Addie to make her Illinois/Missouri debut next month. We're also looking forward to spending time with the kids from church and watching Addie grow. Well, I'm a little conflicted about that last part, but it is pretty cool to watch someone learn and discover day after day.
Today I am thankful that our Wal-mart is finally carrying Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie FroYo. I could eat the whole pint in one sitting.