Thursday, July 24, 2014

Happy two, Olive

My sweet Olive turns two today.

Technically, she's been two since about 7:20 this morning, but I'm not counting, and I certainly don't want the time to go any faster than necessary.

I love remembering the details of Addie and Olive's births. Having had C sections with both of my breech girls, there were no drop-everything-and-get-to-the-hospital moments, but there were the anticipation and excitement and can't-wait-to-see-her-face feelings as we got ready to head to the hospital each time.

I was the first scheduled C section of the day with Olive. I left Addie for the first time. I had fun anesthesiologists. When Sabian brought her to me in recovery he pointed out her dimples and a little skin tag she had by her ear. She was so pretty. Addie was incredibly sweet with her when she visited. By our second day in the hospital I was ready to get home to Addie and move forward as a family of four.

There are so many more details that I've remembered today, but for now, here's Olive at two:

Olive, you are such a joy. You have a sweet laugh and endearing smile. You love, love your big sister and frequently attack her with hugs and kisses. Your vocabulary is growing - it seems every day you say something I didn't know you knew. I love to hear you say, " bunny" and when you try something you don't like you say, "don't like it." When you're watching Daniel Tiger and the credits start to roll you say, "Oh no!" You don't want it to end. 

You really, really dislike being disciplined. At first you smile at us as we tell you "no," but if we get firmer with you, you fall apart. Or, you throw and kick things. A little temper, you have!

You have such a sweet heart and you love to have fun. We are so thankful you are part of our family.

Happy Birthday, little sister.